god that was so lame and lazy of bioware
god that was so lame and lazy of bioware
Yeah I was really hoping we would see her face for real... At least they made her pretty. I was tired of seeing fanarts of her with mandibles and weird shit.
Suggestions? Hmm, lets see.
The author's self insert keeps acting out the author's misogyny and the girl cries and is probably raped or some other creepy shit. Then the author's self insert marries someone who wants a green card and is promptly divorced which leads to him to getting hit by a bus.
Go crawl back under the bridge you came from...
seriously man why don't you have a tablet yet?
Because I'm poor at the moment :(
It's like a fairy vomited on a leprechaun
i dont get it...
It's a real shame your focal point character is lifeless, because the background is actually very dark and dynamic. I think you would have benefited from adding a bit of perspective to the raised knee and doing something better with the arms- like having them crossed. To be blunt, when's the last time a dark warlord intimidated anyone with his arms pointing down like Napoleon Dynamite?
A bunch of successive fuckups led to that more then anything else. The original pose was actually this (I saved a bunch of WIPs along the way):
And a series of creative mistakes gradually led to me having to entirely re-position the focal point. There are very few times that I regret painting everything on the same layer - the RAM it saves is unbelievable - but this is one of them. The arm positioning is easily the worst part about the picture and if I did this picture again, they'd be the first thing I changed.
In fact if I did this again I'd probably just put the character in a hell of a more dynamic pose - I like the design but sticking him ramrod straight was such a bad idea.
Anyway, just wanted to point out how you were right, and clarify that it wasn't just me being a dunderfuck - you ARE completely right, and thanks for the comment!
very disturbing- not quite sure what to interpret from it. It could be a few things.
Thanks. I'd like to know about the inperpretation. :-)
Spooky, I can tell you're German just by looking at it
Nonsense, I am cute and cuddly.
Interesting, the veins make me curious about the character.
Couldn't have given me a better compliment. :) I'm working hard on making a set of interesting characters that hopefully will catch people's attention and make them want to know more.
Yelling at faggots
Joined on 2/20/11